Saturday, July 25, 2009

IN BRIEF: Three Week Iranian Election 2009 Documentary Series

What will follow, starting on Sunday, July 26, 2009 will be the release over a period of three weeks raw footage from one of the only documentaries that captured the Iranian Election of 2009. This is not to say that this is the completed documentary - not at all!

I am sharing this footage to do my part in keeping the movement alive, especially with those outside of Iran, who did experience in person, in action, the events leading up to the Iranian Election and the weeks that came after.

It is one thing to read the Western press, many times offering slanted and misinformed views. It is another thing to see all of the citizen journalism video reportages that have been posted on video sharing sites by the Iranian people themselves. In addition, after the international media were kicked out in the days after the election, the information that did get out was sometimes second and third person reports.

I was there. I filmed the entire process. This is what happened.

I do not know when the doc will be released but that is the least important part of this whole story. What is essential is to communicate the amazing democratic movement that was witnessed within Iran. As some of you may know, I do not like the predicting that many journalists/experts state. I will make only one prediction: the green movement will be remembered and relived as something just as important as the movements led by Gandi, MLK as well as African independence movements amongst others.

It is as if the Iranians have shown the world what is democracy, what is freedom.

I hope you enjoy this experimental project positioning an "episode" released each night that corresponds to that day in Iran seven weeks ago. Please check in daily and enjoy!


Jahan Azadi

azadidj AT

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